Francis Upritchard

Introducing 'In Their Permanent Collection,' a weekly series of stories about the personal belongings people love the most. This week, we've asked celebrated, London-based artist Francis Upritchard to weigh in to start us off... 

Permanent Collection: Francis, you and husband Martino Gamper have a home brimming with wonderful collected pieces from all over the place—acquired during travels, gifted from artist friends, made by yourselves. If you had to choose one piece to place in your so-called 'Permanent Collection,' what would it be?  

Francis Upritchard: I think it would have to be this little wood-fired, ceramic vase (or perhaps candleholder?) made by Estelle Martin of Hamaka Pottery in Hastings, New Zealand, around 1980.

P.C.: What's the story behind this piece?

F.U.: I was visiting my favorite charity shop in New Plymouth, New Zealand, looking for pottery and found this ceramic, which at first I thought was pretty ugly. It was only 50 cents so I thought why not? After taking it home and spending a few hours with it, I realized how beautiful it is.

P.C.: Why did you choose it?

F.U.: It’s just an object I live with and absolutely love.